+43 699 102 99 408 / +43 1 409 18 33 // Karl Landsteiner Institut für Human Factors & Human Resources im Gesundheitswesen a.fitzgerald@karl-landsteiner.at
Development, Implementation, Evaluation, and Long-Term Outcome of a Program to Increase Student Interest in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Training

Development, Implementation, Evaluation, and Long-Term Outcome of a Program to Increase Student Interest in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Training

zur Pub­lika­tion Devel­op­ment, Imple­men­ta­tion, Eval­u­a­tion, and Long-Term Out­come of a Pro­gram to Increase Stu­dent Inter­est in Anes­the­sia and Inten­sive Care Training Exper­i­men­tal and Clin­i­cal Transplantation. Annelies Fitzgerald,1 Robert D....